Department of Culture and Tourism

The Tivoli you don't expect

italiano inglese

Info & Contacts

How to reach Tivoli

The city of Tivoli is situated 32 km to the north-east of Rome. It is easy to reach.

icona auto


From Rome

Take the A24 Roma-L'Aquila motorway: EXIT Tivoli or Castel Madama SS Tiburtina North – East direction

Getting to the A24 motorway
Go along the A1 motorway towards Rome, follow the directions for GRA/A24, take the A24 Roma-L'Aquila motorway, EXIT Tivoli or Castel Madama; the alternative route is the GRA ring road and exit at SS Tiburtina towards Tivoli.

icona treno


Roma – Avezzano – Pescara line from Tiburtina Station (metro B or Trail Station) or, not always, from Termini (Trail Station, metro A and B).

icona autobus


from Rome

Cotral bus terminal Roma Ponte Mammolo (metro B): Via Tiburtina / or A24

How to move in Tivoli
Local bus service to move around Tivoli. The C.A.T. bus lines guarantee arrivals and departures from Villa D’Este, Villa Adriana and Villa Gregoriana.
For more information

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Useful numbers

Click on the icon below to select a place on the map: see info, useful numbers and its the correct position. Please fill the box below the map and calculate the route to reach it.

posta palatina
posta empolitana
carabinieri polizia
agenzia entrate
stazione fs tivoli
stazione fs tivoli terme
polizia provinciale
Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico
URP delegazione Villa Adriana
URP delegazione Tivoli Terme
Piazzale Matteotti
Largo Massimo
Lunganiene Impastato
P.I.T. (Punto Informativo Turistico)

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stemma comune di Tivoli

Comune di Tivoli

Department of Culture and Tourism

City of art, culture and World Heritage of Humanity – UNESCO monuments logo unesco

Piazza del Governo 1 - 00019 Tivoli (RM) Tel: 07744531
Fax: 0774330675 - PEC:
C.F.: 02696630587

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